Health & Wellness

Protect Your Skin from the Sun in 3 Steps

Protect Your Skin from the Sun in 3 Steps

Most of us think about sun protection only when we step out to spend a prolonged day in the sun at a lake or beach. But little do we know that sun exposure adds up day after day, and it happens every time we have sunlight touching us - even indoors.  Getting too much sun and taking too little care about it can be harmful. Simply staying in the shade or staying indoors is not enough to protect your skin. Here are some simple steps to limit UV rays exposure and prevent getting burnt or tanned in the sun: De-Tan...

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3 Simple Steps to Get Rid of Oily Skin

3 Simple Steps to Get Rid of Oily Skin

Oily skin comes with its own challenges. On days when it’s humid or extra hot, the greasy layer on the face can be quite something to handle. All we can do is try to maintain a balance but trying to achieve it can be quite daunting.  It gets super confusing while finding the right beauty regime for oily skin. But here’s how we decided to make it simpler for you. It is often said, less is more; which goes for skin care regimes as well. So here are 3 simple steps to get rid of oily skin: Master your cleansing...

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The Perfect Anti-Aging Skin Care Routine in 3 Steps

The Perfect Anti-Aging Skin Care Routine in 3 Steps

The combination of time and environmental factors can take a toll on our complexion and leave our face looking dull and aged. Rejuvenating and revitalising the skin with proper daily skin care regimen is the most effective way to see optimum results. If you are looking for simple, organic and 100% natural products to help you achieve a glowing skin, we have curated the following solution which will help you get your goal with three simple steps.    1. Age Delay Face oil:  This ultimate anti-aging product stimulates cell regeneration, improving circulation & firming up mature skin texture. It is...

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Rose Water: The Ultimate Toner for Beauty

Rose Water: The Ultimate Toner for Beauty

  The extraction of essential oils is one of the most common uses of roses. Made from the steam distillation of rose petals, rose water was used in beauty rituals in ancient Egypt, by Mughal queens in their baths, and the Romans. Rosewater, or more popularly known as Gulab Jal has been a much-loved beauty ingredient for ages in India. It has calming, anti-inflammatory, and rejuvenating properties which makes it perfect for skincare and stress relief.  All these qualities make rosewater a natural toner. It works beautifully on the skin, helps smoothen and prep the skin for better absorption of...

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